
My Birthday

I was born on December 17, 2021 at 4:47 p.m. at the Good Samaritan Hospital in Denver Colorado. Things are going great.I love to snuggle with Mommy and I recognized Daddy's voice right away:) I got to go home the next day and meet my sisters:) All three of them got to hold me--Ippi, Nancy, and Judy. Judy tried to walk off with me! Whenever Nancy held me, she asked if someone would cover my bellybutton because it was gross.I think my bellybutton grossed out all my sisters:) I also got to meet Aunt Julie! Plus Chris and Missy Smith! It wasn't long before I met a whole bunch of my family. I got to meet Grandma Jean on Christmas day. And Granny even came down earlier this week and spent several days here! I'm getting lots of attention and I like it! Today, I am two weeks old and it started snowing just a little while ago. I had my first Christmas and now I get my first snow! My bellybutton fell of the other day. I think my sisters love me even more now:)